architecture is based on objects. Both the agents and the main
simulator are designed according to a OO layout to support distribution
(of objects), modularity, scalability and interactivity as demanded by
the HLA (High Level Architecture) specification. Are aiming at
a flexible platform from the software engineering point of view (which
is, arguably, inaccessible to final users: the modellers) but based on
a family of modeller-friendly languages with enough expressiveness to
allow the modellers to describe a multi-agent system in a way that
makes feasible its simulation. We think that this possibility is
critically dependent on domain and application specific trade-offs.
we allow the modellers to describe systems in which there are agents,
but in which not everything is an agent and in which traditional
discrete-event or continuous modelling techniques are good enough for
most purposes (such as dealing with subsystems that required very
aggregated models to make their simulation feasible at all).
GALATEA is written in Java, It
directory tree is basically conformed by seven directories