GALATEA platform allows to model and simulate discrete event, continuous and multi-agent systems. It is the product of two lines of research: simulation languages based on Zeigler's theory of simulation and logic-based agents. There is, in GALATEA, a proposal to integrate, in the same simulation platform, conceptual and concrete tools for multi-agent, distributed, interactive, continuous and discrete event simulation.
DEVs model of the system to be simulated is seen as a set of subsystems, that exchange information in different ways. The subsystems can store, transform, transmit, create, and eliminate information. GALATEA has the following features to represent systems and information processes:
Subsystems are represented by nodes of a network. Nodes may be of different types according to their functions. Information transformation is described and performed by program code associated to each node. Information exchange among nodes is done by the action of the code on shared variables or files, and also by passing messages from a node to other. Information is stored in variables, files or in lists of received messages in the nodes.
The GALATEA Language definition includes declaration and instruction taken from Java []. Also GALATEA can be used as a Java Library.
Java features add the power of a general purpose object oriented language to the modeling and simulation power of GALATEA. Two simple examples follow to give a general idea how GALATEA programs look like.
Railroad System.
In a simple railroad system, trains, with a number of coaches equal to a random number from 16 to 20, depart from a station each 45 minutes. After 25 minutes of travel, the trains reach their destination. The program writes the time of arrival and the number of coaches. For clarity, in all the manual, GALATEA reserved words are in upper case letters; user identifications are in lower cases with normally the first letter in upper case if identifies a node.
TITLE Railroad System NETWORK Depart (I) { coaches = UNIFI(16,20); IT(45); SENDTO(Railroad); } Railroad (R) { STAY(25); RELEASE SENDTO(Destination); } Destination (E) { WRITE("A train arrives at time: %6.2f Its length is %d\n", TIME, coaches); PAUSE; } INIT TSIM = 300; ACT(Depart, 0); DECL MESSAGES Depart(INT coaches); STATISTICS ALLNODES; END
The program has the following sections:
It follows a description of the NETWORK section and its functions: After each node name follows a letter between parenthesis indicating its type. Depart is a node of I (Input) type. When executed, it generates a message and sends it to the node Railroad. The message in this example represents a train. It has an integer type field called coaches, that indicates the number of coaches. In the code of the node (code inside braces) this field is set to a value given by a GALATEA function UNIFI that produces a random integer number, in this case between 16 and 20. A new activation of the Depart node is scheduled after an Interval Time (IT) of 45 time units.
The node Railroad is of R (Resource) type. When executed, it processes the message and it stores it temporarily in an internal list (IL). The code sets, by means of the GALATEA instruction STAY, that the message must remain in the node for a time equal to 25. When the message is released, it is sent to the node Destination.
The node Destination is of E (Exit) type. It takes the message, executes the instruction of the code (it writes, for instance: "A train arrives at 140. Its length is 17") and it deletes the message. See that the value (17) is transported by the message in the variable coaches. After writing, the program stops (instruction PAUSE) and when the button Continue is pressed the simulation continues. New trains are generated in Depart each 45 units time, then they pass to Railroad, and so on.
The above source program is the input to the compiler system that translates it and runs the simulation. The simulation time is not the real processing time. It takes the value at each event. At the beginning is 0, when the first train arrives is 25, when the second train departs is 45, when the second train arrives it is 70, when the third train departs it is 90, etc.
In GALATEA programs the basic features are implemented in the following way:
The Messages are used to represent entities traveling from one node to another.
The abbreviations EL and IL will be respectively used for Entry List and Internal List, with the plurals ELs and ILs.
The execution of the code of a node is called the activation of the node. At a point during the simulation it may be necessary to schedule the activation of certain nodes for the future. The schedule is kept in a list called FEL (Future Event List). Each element in the FEL represents a pending event. It contains a reference to the node to be activated and the time at which the activation must take place. This list is automatically processed by the system, but the user may also handle it through special GALATEA procedures.
The order of activation of the nodes is essential to the simulation. An event (activation fact) begins with the processing of the element of the FEL, that has the minimum time value. The node referred by this element is activated (executed) and this starts the event execution.
The code of the node may cause changes in the values of the variables, execution of procedures and message processing. In particular this execution may cause message exchanges. It can also change conditions that allow other nodes to move messages or change values of variables. All this must be done in these events. To perform all these changes it follows a scanning of all the nodes that could be affected by the execution of the node. These scanned nodes are then activated. The scanning is repeated cyclically until no further movements of messages are possible. The event processing is then ended and the following event from the FEL will be considered. During the execution of an event the state of the system changes and new future events are scheduled. The value of the simulation time do not change during the transformations produced in the event. When a new event is executed the time variable is updated to the time of the event indicated in the FEL. So the simulation process goes on until an end condition specified by the user finishes the simulation run. The user must be aware of the two ways in which a node can be activated: by an event that refers to the node, which starts a new event, or by scanning of the network during an event.
TITLE Plantation with periodic cuts. In a plantation the quantity of wood growths according to a logistic curve whose differential equation is: w' = k * (1 - w / wm) * w When the quantity is greater than wm, a cutting process starts which decides the proportion of wood to be extracted according to a function of the actual price, p(TIME) and the mean price pm. The time for the cut process is negligible compared with the rates of growth. NETWORK Growth (C) { w' = k * (1 - w / wmax) * w; if w >= wm ACT(Cut, 0); GRAPH("Wood Evolution", TIME, "TIME", w, "Wood"); GRAPH("Price Evolution", TIME, "TIME", price(TIME), "Price"); } Cut (A) { w = w - MIN(0.3 * wm, minCut + MAX(0, cc*(price(TIME) - pm))); } INIT TSIM = 50; ACT(Growth, 0); k = 0.21; wm = 6000; minCut = 500; cc = 40.2; pm = 24; w = 100; wmax = 9500; DT(Growth, 0.125); DECL DOUBLE k = 0.21; DOUBLE wm = 6000; DOUBLE wmax, minCut, cc, pm; GFUNCTIONS SPLINE price() = (0, 30)(10, 20)(20, 15)(30, 25)(40, 30)(50, 42)(55, 45); END
The type C node Growth solves the differential equation.
When the node Cut, of A type, is activated.
This reduces the mass of wood by a quantity that is 30% of the wm at most, and minCut at least.
Within these limits it depends on the difference between actual price (price(TIME)) and average price pm of the wood.
The variable w must not be declared because it is known to be a state variable of a differential equation.
The time function price is given by the 7 pairs of values indicated in the GFUNCTION section. For the time 0, its value is 30; for the time 10, it is 20; etc. The interpolation is made by a SPLINE algorithm.
Two graphs are programmed to display, during the run, w and the price as a function of TIME.
In the INIT section, values to the parameters and to the initial value of the variable w are given. The integration interval DT of node Growth is also set. The state variables of type C nodes are not declared. All other variables are declared in the DECL section.
See Chapter for a detailed account of the processing of the different node types.
The nodes can have a subscript or index that can take values 0, 1, 2, ...; until a maximum value that must be small to that declared by the user in the node heading. Indexed nodes are equivalent to a set of nodes of the same type. The size of the set is equal to the declared value. These nodes share a common code. They are used to represent sets of similar subsystems.
When activated during the scan of the network, they are activated sequentially. When activated by an event that refers to it, only the node with the index of the event is activated. An index variable INO takes the value of the index of the currently executed node. The user has access to that index in order to be able to control differences when processing the common code. The multiplicity or dimension of the node is declared as arrays in Java, i.e., in the form [N].
Window[5] (R) {STAY(5); RELEASE SENDTO(Exit);}
This line declares that the node named Window is of R type. It consists in 5 nodes that share the code.
The nodes without index are called simple, those with index are called multiple nodes. The number of nodes of a multiple node is called its dimension or multiplicity.
The nodes of a multiple R type node can be of different capacity.
The problem is to compute the queues and waiting times of people that are to be served one by one in a window. They enter the system at random and the serving times are also random. After being served they left the system. The GALATEA program may be as follows:
TITLE Simulation of a simple serving system. Customers enter the system to be served at a window. The times between arrivals are taken at random from an exponential distribution with mean <Tba>. The customers are served or form a queue in front of the window. The serving time is taken from a Gaussian distribution with mean: <MeanWait> and standard deviation: <StaDev>. Once they are served they go to Exit to leave the system. The simulation is to go until time 1000. Statistics of nodes are required. For clarity reserved words are written in uppercase letters. NETWORK Entry (I) { SENDTO(Window); IT(EXPO(Tba)); } Window (R){ STAY(GAUSS(MeanWait, StaDev)); RELEASE SENDTO(Exit); } Exit (E) {} INIT TRACE; TSIM = 100; ACT(Entry, 0); Tba = 4; MeanWait = 0.8; StaDev = 0.1; DECL DOUBLE Tba, MeanWait, StaDev; STATISTICS Entry, Window, Exit; END
The program has four sections divided by four separators: TITLE, NETWORK, INIT and DECL.
The word INIT at the beginning of a line indicates the end of the NETWORK section.
See Chapters and
for more details.
The instructions of GALATEA (like STAY(<expression>)) are described in Chapter , the procedures (like ACT) in Chapter
, the functions (like EXPO or GAUSS), in Chapter
For each user programmed node, the compiler will generate a procedure that contains the user code and system provided code to perform the other operations of the node implied by its type.
This procedure is executed when the node is activated.
This section must contain at least an ACT procedure to activate one node of the network to start the simulation. In the example the node Entry, indicated in the first argument, will be activated at a time equal to the time of the initialization (that is 0 by default) plus the value of the second argument (also 0 in this example). Thus, it is activated at the beginning of the simulation.
Values are assigned to the auxiliary variables Tba, MeanWait and StaDev.
Complete algorithms may be included in this section.
In this section may also be assigned: capacities to R nodes, values to user defined functions, frequency table parameters and database tables REVISAR. See Chapter for details.
The subsection STATISTICS may contain node names and variable names from which statistics are wanted. In this case only node statistics are requested.
Other declarations of data corresponding to the base language may be done here (types, constants, records, arrays, sets, files REVISAR). The procedures and functions declared and programmed by the user must be also included in this section.
Function defined by pairs of values (a special feature of the GALATEA language), the data base tables, frequency tables REVISAR and the structure of the messages must be also declared here. See Chapter for details.
Lexicographic remark
The execution of the program starts with the INIT section. The total simulation time is assigned to the system variable TSIM. The system variable TIME, that keeps the value of the time during the simulation, is initialized to 0. The user could put explicitly other assignation (even a negative number).
The GALATEA procedure ACT schedules an activation for the actual time plus the second argument (here also 0, but it may be a real expression) so the first activation will happen at TIME = 0 in this example. The other instructions of the INIT section assign values to some variables.
Then the execution of the NETWORK section starts. The components of the simulated system: entrance, window and exit are represented by the nodes Entry, Window, and Exit in the NETWORK. The customers are represented by the messages that each node may send to another.
The node Entry is of I type.
An I type node (or more exactly the class into which the compiler translates it), when activated, generates a message, and sends it to the end of the EL of a node through the instruction SENDTO.
In this node a next arrival event (i.e., the next activation of the node Entry) may also be scheduled.
This is done by the instruction IT (Interval Time).
This value is interpreted as the time that has to pass until the next arrival.
In this case, this interval is the value computed by the function EXPO,
that generates a pseudorandom value taken from an exponential distribution
(see Chapter for further explanations).
So the GALATEA schedules a new activation of Entry.
This activation will occur at a time that is equal to the actual value of TIME plus the value passed to IT.
Values to the fields of the message can also be assigned in the code of this node.
The node Window simulates a resource, in this case the window where the customers are served. The capacity is 1 by default (no other capacity was assigned) so that only one message can enter the IL. The messages enter the EL of the node. This EL represents the queue of customers at the window. The IL represents the customer being served. When the node Window is activated during the scanning process of the network (and this will happen because the node Entry started such a scanning), the procedure of the node type R, if the IL is empty, searches the EL. If it is empty nothing is further done. If it has messages, the procedure takes the first message to pass it to the IL. If the IL was occupied (it contains a message representing a customer using the resource) the incoming message remains in the EL. When a message is introduced in the IL, that means that a new service starts. Then the GALATEA system schedules an event of end of service. That is, a future activation of the node Window at a time equal to the actual value of TIME plus the value assigned through the instruction STAY. In this case the value is taken at random from a gaussian distribution. That time is also kept in a field of the message as its exit time. When that future activation takes place, the node Window is again activated, but now by the event that refers to it. In this case, the procedure searches the IL for a message having an exit time equal to the time of the event (that is, the actual time). In this simple case only one message may be in the IL. The message is then extracted and sent to the EL of the node Exit. As this message movement triggers a new scanning of the network, the node Window is now activated by the scanning process with is IL empty. So it searches again to see if there are in the EL other message to be passed to the IL. If it is so, a storage process as the explained above will happen. Otherwise, the Window remains idle.
The node Exit is of E type. When it is activated (as a consequence of the scanning of the network started by the extraction event in the node Window), the procedure of the node Exit removes the message of its EL and discards it. During all these operations statistics are recorded of the lists, and the use of the resources.
The user can ask, from the model interface, command line or in the code through instruction TRACE, for a file with the trace of the simulation. A partial trace of the simulation of this program is shown below. To follow the trace the following remarks must be regarded:
In the example the trace displays the activation of the node Entry scheduled by the ACT instruction in the INIT section. This event is an activation of the node Entry at TIME = 0. The IEV is 1 and the event parameters are TEV equals (0.000) and the node where it will occur (entry[0]).
The event 1, which activates node Entry[0] at time 0, begins by creating a new message identified as (input0:1). It then continues to send the message to the entry list (EL) of node Window[0] which, since it was empty, will have length EL.ll() = 1. Finally, the activation ends adding other event (next activation) at FEL for future time 0.353 (this number comes from the EXPO function). Notice that the messages ID generated in a node contains the name of the node, the index of the node colon a sequential number.
During the network check, when scanning the node Window[0], it is seen that its internal list (IL) is empty and that the message entry0:1 (generated in Entry[0]), is in EL, so it moves from EL to IL. At that time, a type 2 event (activation of node Window[0]) is placed in FEL to schedule the end of service at time 0.876.
The network scan continues, but since nothing happens event 1 ends.
An events of type arrivals happen at times 0.353. It is intercalated in the FEL before the end of service event, scheduled for TIME 0.876. The generated message is sent to Window[0] EL and remain there because the IL is occupied.
The next event is of type Window[0] at TIME 0.876 scheduled at TIME 0. This event examines the IL of Window[0] seeking for a message with EXIT TIME = 0.876. The message is extracted and sent to the EL of the Exit[0] node. Then the EL of Window[0] is examined. The next message (IEV = 2) in the queue (Window[0].EL) is extracted, its exit time is scheduled at TIME 1.743 and the message is moved to the IL of Window[0].
In the same event the node Exit[0] is scanned, the message entry0:1 is extracted from its EL and discaded.
The network (excluded the Entry[0] node that is of I type) is scanned again and, as no messages are moved, the next event in the FEL is processed.
The reader can continue the examination of this simulation. In this simple example only two events are at most in the FEL (next arrival and next end of service). In more complex models the FEL can be longer. The examination of traces is very useful to understand the GALATEA system works. It is also very important for debugging.
INIT 0.000 act (I)entry[0] 0.000 >>>>> 1 0.000 entry[0] FEL=[0;0;/] 0.000 ACT (I)entry[0] 0.000 create entry0:1 0.000 sendto entry0:1 -> window[0] EL.ll()=1 0.000 act (I)entry[0] 0.353 0.000 SCAN (E)exit[0] 0.000 SCAN (R)window[0] 0.000 EL->IL entry0:1 EL.ll()=0 IL.ll()=1 0.000 act (R)window[0] 0.876 0.000 SCAN (E)exit[0] 0.000 SCAN (R)window[0] >>>>> 2 0.353 entry[0] FEL=[1;1;/] -> (R)window[0], 0.876 0.353 ACT (I)entry[0] 0.353 create entry0:2 0.353 sendto entry0:2 -> window[0] EL.ll()=1 0.353 act (I)entry[0] 0.888 0.353 SCAN (E)exit[0] 0.353 SCAN (R)window[0] >>>>> 3 0.876 window[0] FEL=[1;1;/] -> (I)entry[0], 0.888 0.876 ACT (R)window[0] 0.876 sendto entry0:1 -> exit[0] EL.ll()=1 0.876 SCAN (R)window[0] 0.876 EL->IL entry0:2 EL.ll()=0 IL.ll()=1 0.876 act (R)window[0] 1.743 0.876 SCAN (E)exit[0] 0.876 left entry0:1 0.876 SCAN (R)window[0] 0.876 SCAN (E)exit[0] 0.876 SCAN (R)window[0] >>>>> 4 0.888 entry[0] FEL=[1;1;/] -> (R)window[0], 1.743 0.888 ACT (I)entry[0] 0.888 create entry0:3 0.888 sendto entry0:3 -> window[0] EL.ll()=1 0.888 act (I)entry[0] 1.727 0.888 SCAN (E)exit[0] 0.888 SCAN (R)window[0]
When required by the declaration STATISTICS, the GALATEA produces an output with statistics of nodes and variables. Statistics for one run of the simulation example follows:
Simulation of a simple serving system. Time: 100.000 Time Stat: 100.000 Replication: 0 Date: Wed Aug 16 19:23:31 VET 2023 Elapsed time: 0h 0m 3.18s Input Entries entry[0] 35 Node.Lst Ent Len Max Mean Dev MaxSt MeanSt DevSt T.Free window[0].el 35 0 2 0.059 0.241 0.855 0.169 0.273 93.894 window[0].il 35 1 1 0.269 0.443 0.928 0.789 0.094 72.895 Exit node Left Mean Dev Max Min exit[0] 34 0.942 0.262 1.505 0.561 Var/Node.atrb Mean(t) Dev(t) Max Min Mean(v) Dev(v) Actual window[0].use 0.264 0.441 1.000 0.000 0.667 0.471 1.000
The statistics information is stored in the file Model.sta that will be found inside the experiment folder Data_100.0 and inside the replica folder 000.
The total simulation time and the last time in which the Statistics were cleared (see procedure CLRSTAT) are also shown.
If replications of the experiment are asked for, the number of the replication is given.
The date and time of the beginning of the execution and the computing time spent in the simulation are also recorded.
For the I type nodes the number of generated messages is shown.
For each EL and IL the number of entries, the actual length and the maximum length are displayed. The statistics show the mean length and its deviation, the maximum and mean waiting time of the messages in the list, its deviation and the time that the list remained empty.
For the E type nodes the mean time in the system of the messages discarded at the node and its deviation are recorded.
In this example only the used time of the resources are displayed, because no other variables in the STATISTICS were requested. The statistics given are the mean and deviation of the variables as a function of time, the maximum and minimum values, the mean and deviation of the values and the actual (final) value.
This is the simulation of a port that has three types of piers to receive different types of ships:
The port has an entry channel in which only a ship at a time is allowed to pass. The same channel is used to enter to the piers and to exit, once the operation in the port is finished.
TITLE Model of a Port. Ships arrive at a port with interval times with exponential distribution with mean Tbarr. There are 3 types of ships. The type is selected from an empirical random distribution by means of a function FTyp. According to the type they go to the piers 0, 1 or 2. The ships are queued before the entry channel. A ship is allowed to pass only if the channel is free and the ship has a place in the pier of its type. The time spent in passing the channel is a fixed value TChannel. In the pier the ship remains a time taken from a Gamma distribution The mean TPier depends on the type. The deviation is 10% of the mean. Each ship uses only one position in the pier. To the served ships the type 3 is assigned and they are sent to the channel to exit the system. Make a frequency table of the mean time in the system. Experiment with different serving times in the piers. NETWORK Entrance (I) {IT(EXPO(Tbarr)); ShiTyp = FTyp(); SENDTO(Control); } Control(G) { IF((FREE(Pier[ShiTyp]) > 0) AND (FREE(Channel) > 0)) SENDTO(Channel);} Channel (R) { STAY(TChannel); RELEASE IF (ShiTyp == 3) SENDTO(Departure); ELSE SENDTO(Pier[ShiTyp]); } Pier[3] (R) { STAY(GAMMA(TPier[ShiTyp], 0.1 * TPier[ShiTyp])); USE = 1; ShiTyp = 3; RELEASE SENDTO(Channel); } Departure (E) {HISTOGRAM("Time in the system", 30, TIME - GT, "Ship");} INIT TSIM = 1200; ACT(Entrance, 0); Pier[0] = 4; Pier[1] = 3; Pier[2] = 1; // Capacities of the piers PARAM(Tbarr, 4, "Mean time between arrivals"); PARAM(TChannel, 0.2, "Time to pass the channel"); PARAM(TPier[0], 20, "Mean time spent in the pier 0"); PARAM(TPier[1], 12, "Mean time spent in the pier 1"); PARAM(TPier[2], 28, "Mean time spent in the pier 2"); DECL DOUBLE Tbarr, TChannel; INT TPier[3]; // Mean time spent in the piers MESSAGES Entrance(INT ShiTyp); // structure of the messages GFUNCTIONS FREQ fTyp(INT) = (0, 50)(1, 40)(2, 10); // Values of frequency of types STATISTICS ALLNODES; END
The ships are represented by messages generated by the I type node Entrance[0]. The messages have a field ShiTyp. To declare, that the messages must have this field, a declaration is issued in the subsection MESSAGES of the DECL section with reference to the generating node.
The Entrance[0] node assign value (0, 1 or 2) to the ShiTyp parameter of the generated message. The value is given by the function FTyp defined in the GFUNCTIONS declaration. The values of the frequencies are also given there (value 0 frequency 50, value 1 frequency 40, value 2 frequency 10). The function FTyp produces a random number 0, 1, or 2 according to those frequencies. It is assigned to the field ShiTyp of the message. The messages are sent to the EL of the node Control[0].
In the Control[0] node, that represents the control of entry to the port, the GALATEA generated variable Pier[ShiTyp].FREE holds at each moment the value of the free capacity of the node Pier[ShiTyp]. The maximum capacities are assigned in the INIT section: 4 for the Pier 0, 3 for the Pier 1, 1 for the Pier 2. Channel.FREE has the same meaning for the resource Channel. In this case it is 1 if the channel is free and 0 if it is engaged. When the Control node, that is a type G node, scans the EL of messages and executes the code for each message. Only if it find a message for which is true the condition of the IF (there is free capacity in the Pier of its type and the Channel is free), the SENDTO instruction is executed. This extracts the message from the EL and sends it to the EL of the node Channel.
The channel is represented by the resource type node Channel. When activated by the scanning of the network, this node takes the message in its EL and passes it to the IL (this will be empty because the Control only allows to pass a message if Channel.FREE = 1, that means that no message is using the resource. The exit from the channel is scheduled for a later time given by the user defined variable TChannel. When the message abandons the resource the RELEASE instruction that takes care of the outgoing message. In the instruction associated to the RELEASE the message is disposed according to its type. If it is 0, 1, or 2 it is send respectively to the Pier[0], Pier[1], or Pier[2]. If it has type 3 (that is the type that will be assigned to the ships abandoning the piers) it is sent to the Departure node.
The node Pier is a multiple node of dimension 3. Each node represents a different pier; each may receive the corresponding type of ship. The capacity of each node is assigned in the INIT section as said above. The user can define the quantity of resource used by each message. This is done by the instruction USE = 1, i.e., it is assumed that all the ships use the same space, equal to 1 unit of the resource. This would be different with ship of very different size.
The operation time in the pier is taken from a Gamma distribution; for different types of ships the mean value used is different. The values of the means are assigned in the INIT section. Notice that the type of the received ship is put to 3. After the operation it is sent to Channel and after passing the channel, the ship of type 3 is sent to Departure.
The Departure node is of E type. It takes each message of its EL, executes the code and discards the message. The code is the computation of the time spent in the system. The GT is a GALATEA defined field of the message that keeps its generation time. As TIME is the value of the actual time, TIME - GT is the total time that the message remained in the system. The procedure HISTOGRAM put this value in the frequency table titled "Time in the system". In this case the table has 30 intervals. The table is saved in the file "Time_in_the_system.dat" and a histogram is shown when the model runs.
The instruction INTI in the INIT section allows for interactive change of the values of tbarr and tChannel for different experiments.
Model of a Port. Time: 1200.000 Time Stat: 1200.000 Replication: 0 Date: Thu Aug 17 17:35:52 VET 2023 Elapsed time: 0h 0m 2.147s Input Entries entrance[0] 296 Node.Lst Ent Len Max Mean Dev MaxSt MeanSt DevSt T.Free control[0].el 296 1 5 0.337 0.745 26.389 1.317 3.403 930.247 pier[0].el 140 0 1 0.022 0.147 12.241 0.188 1.188 1171.808 pier[0].il 140 4 4 2.267 1.147 24.633 19.785 1.798 75.380 pier[1].el 135 0 1 0.008 0.088 3.219 0.069 0.400 1188.754 pier[1].il 135 1 3 1.335 1.065 16.382 11.935 1.181 310.212 pier[2].el 20 0 1 0.023 0.151 27.889 1.394 6.078 1170.227 pier[2].il 20 1 1 0.456 0.498 32.961 28.098 2.490 651.938 channel[0].el 584 0 2 0.013 0.121 0.400 0.026 0.071 1184.401 channel[0].il 584 0 1 0.097 0.297 0.200 0.200 NaN 1081.316 Exit node Left Mean Dev Max Min departure[0] 289 18.558 7.119 68.569 9.758 Var/Node.atrb Mean(t) Dev(t) Max Min Mean(v) Dev(v) Actual pier[0].use 2.267 1.147 4.000 0.000 2.240 1.126 4.000 pier[1].use 1.335 1.065 3.000 0.000 1.401 1.025 0.000 pier[2].use 0.456 0.498 1.000 0.000 0.399 0.490 1.000 channel[0].use 0.097 0.296 1.000 0.000 0.549 0.498 1.000 === HISTOGRAMS ============================= Histogram: Time in the system of Ship Intervals Freq. Rel.Fr. [9.758;11.718) 35 0.121 *********************** [11.718;13.679) 60 0.208 **************************************** [13.679;15.639) 15 0.052 ********** [15.639;17.599) 21 0.073 ************** [17.599;19.560) 36 0.125 ************************ [19.560;21.520) 53 0.183 *********************************** [21.520;23.480) 29 0.100 ******************* [23.480;25.441) 9 0.031 ****** [25.441;27.401) 5 0.017 *** [27.401;29.362) 8 0.028 ***** [29.362;31.322) 3 0.010 ** [31.322;33.282) 4 0.014 ** [33.282;35.243) 4 0.014 ** [35.243;37.203) 2 0.007 * [37.203;39.163) 2 0.007 * [39.163;41.124) 0 0.000 [41.124;43.084) 0 0.000 [43.084;45.045) 0 0.000 [45.045;47.005) 1 0.003 [47.005;48.965) 0 0.000 [48.965;50.926) 0 0.000 [50.926;52.886) 0 0.000 [52.886;54.847) 0 0.000 [54.847;56.807) 1 0.003 [56.807;58.767) 0 0.000 [58.767;60.728) 0 0.000 [60.728;62.688) 0 0.000 [62.688;64.648) 0 0.000 [64.648;66.609) 0 0.000 [66.609;68.569] 1 0.003 Total 289 1.000 ============================================
Although compiling details are transparent to users some information may be useful.
The source program is written in a file. It is read and processed by the GALATEA compiler that translates it to several Java classes. The program code of each node is translated into a class.
The program so produced by the GALATEA compiler may be then compiled and executed by a Java Development Kit.
A GALATEA model uses values of different types. GALATEA includes definitions for certain types, variables, constants and functions required for general processing. Others are also system defined to meet special requirements of particular models.
Besides, users may define types, variables, and functions needed to program their models. Other instances of language elements may also be defined: messages, functions given by pairs of values, frequency tables and needed statistics.
All user variables must be explicitly declared except for C-type node state variables.
The names assigned to types, variables and functions are called identifiers. They are strings of letters, numbers and the sign _ . The first character in the identifier must be a letter. GALATEA is case sensitive, so WaterTemp and WATERtemp are different variables. REVISAR Esto del case sensitive o insensitive no está muy claro en el compilador
A declared identifier must not duplicate any system or previously user defined identifier.
See Chapter for a list of system defined identifiers.
The declaration section begins with the separator DECL as the first word of a line. Identifiers are declared according to their element class.
The following list shows the set of simple types in GALATEA.
A type declaration specifies that a given identifier or name will designate a type of data that may be referred to in the model, i.e., an abstract set of data values. The identifier represents a group of constants (unchangeable values).
Type identifiers may be referred to in other type declarations. New types may be defined for convenience of clarity and maintenance. The declaration syntax is:
TYPE <identifier> {<list of constants>};
<identifier> is the name of the type.
<list of constants> is a comma-separated list of the possible values that a variable of this type can take.
...................................... DECL TYPE Opcl = {Close, Open}; Opcl LineGate; .......................................
Se declara un nuevo tipo de dato Opcl cuyos posibles valores son Close y Open. La variable LineGate se declara de tipo Opcl por lo que solamente puede tomar los valores Close y Open.
| <node identifier> | <message identifier> | (<list of declaration>)
<node identifier> is the name of a I type node. Index must not be included in this declaration. The declaration defines the structure of the messages generated at that Input type node.
<message identifier> is an identifier that may be used by a CREATE instruction to generate messages with the declared structure. The CREATE instruction may be used in any node, except I type nodes
<list of declaration> is a list of field declarations with the same syntax that a variable declaration.
ShipArr (I){ shipType = FTypeFreq(); IT(EXPO(Tba[shipType]); .................................... } TrainContr (A) { .................................... CREATE(train){ wCars = ROUND(TotalLoad / Capacity); SENDTO(Yard) } } ...................................... DECL TYPE St = (Freighter, Tanker, Barge) MESSAGES ShipArr(St shipType, DOUBLE load[5], DOUBLE displ), train(INT wCars, DOUBLE Capacity); .......................................
In the node ShipArr, messages representing different types of simulated ships are generated. The characteristics (fields of the message) are: shipType, five quantities indicating different kinds of loads, and displacement. In the node TrainContr, according to conditions computed by a complex code, the decision of sending a message (train) to a Yard is taken.
There are two types of GFUNCTIONS,
<interpolation method> <function identifier> () = <list of points>;
<interpolation method> indicates the method to be used to compute values for intermediate values of arguments not given in the set of pairs. The methods may be:
The types of the argument and of the function are not declared because always both are real.
<function type> DISC <function identifier> (<argument type>) = <list of points>;
FREQ <function identifier> (<argument type>) = <list of points>;
The types of the first element of the points (<argument type>) and of the second (<function type>) may conform with the following table:
Method | Argument | Value |
DISC | enumerate or real | enumerate or real |
STAIR | real | real |
POLYG | real | real |
SPLINE | real | real |
FREQ | enumerate or real | real ( |
............................ TYPE TTS {FREIGHTER,BULK,TOURIST,REPAIR}; TYPE TExit {A,B,C}; TYPE TTT {STOPPING,VISIT,TRANSFER}; GFUNCTIONS STAIR TFreig() = (0.0,7)(0.2,13)(0.4,15)(0.6,19)(0.8,21)(1.0,22), POLYG TRepair() = (0.0,55)(0.3,72)(0.7,81)(0.9,88)(1.0,90), SPLINE TBulk() = (0.0,9)(0.2,12)(0.4,16)(0.6,19.5)(0.8,22)(1.0,22.5), TExit DISC FClaExit(TTS) = (FREIGHTER,A)(BULK,A)(TOURIST,B)(REPAIR,C), FREQ FType(TTS) = (FREIGHTER,611)(BULK,423)(TOURIST,212)(REPAIR,15); ..............................
The function declaration can be done without assigning the list of points.
In this case, the points can be assigned to the function in the INIT section
(See ) using the PARAM statement (See
The variables for which statistics are required, must be initialized in INIT.
If one of the elements of the list is the reserved word ALLNODES, the statistics of all nodes are given.
The statistics are always displayed at the end of the simulation run, but they may also be called by the STAT procedure in the program or by user's interruption during the execution of the program.
STATISTICS Dock, Crane, TotalWeight;Statistics of the nodes Dock and Crane, and the variable TotalWeight will be displayed.
STATISTICS ALLNODES, TotalCash, Money[1], Money[2], NumberTrans;Statistics of all the nodes, and the variables TotalCash, Money[1], Money[2], and NumberTrans will be displayed.
In the INIT section of a GALATEA model the user puts the instructions to give the particular values to the data to be used in a simulation run.
For simple or indexed variables assignative instructions are used;
pressure = 15; temp = 275.0; r = 8.2056E-2; n = 4; ch = 'Y'; volume = n * R * temp / pressure; FOR(i=1; i<=7; i++) concentr[i] = fConc(); FOR(INT j=0;j<6;j++) Room[j]=10; // Capacity of each Room
fConc may be a user's defined function, a FREQ type function, etc.
Room is a multiple R-type node. The capacity of each Room is set to 10.
For arrays may be used:
INT f[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; DOUBLE MI[TTypTur] = {5, 27, 72.0}; INT table[2][3] = {{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}};
TTypTur must be a user's defined TYPE, and table is an array with 2 rows and 3 columns.
Instructions like:
Using the PARAM instruction, each variable that is a model parameter is
set to a default value and a description (see ).
The PARAM instruction can also be used to return model parameters to GFUNCTIONS
points (See
BEGINSCAN and STOPSCAN are included here, because they can be used in any nodes as part of the associate instruction of SCAN.
The admissible GALATEA instructions, functions and procedures, are listed in chapters 6, 7 and 8.
EntradaSimple (I) {SENDTO(OtherNode);}The node EntradaSimple can only be activated from the INIT section or from another node. It generates a message and sends it to OtherNode node.
MainEntrance (I){ IF(Number < 40) IT = TRIA(TBAMin, TBAMode, TBAMax); ClassOff = UNIFI(1,2); IF(ClassOff == 1) SENDTO(Office1) ELSE SENDTO(Office2); }Messages are generated and sent to Office1 or Office2 according to the field ClassOff, whose value is given by the integer uniform distribution UNIFI(1,2). Up to 40 messages are generated. The time between successive generations are taken from a triangular distribution TRIA.
Samples[7] (I) { IT(EXPO(MeanArrT[INO])); BactConc = GAMMA(MBac[INO], 0.2 * MBac[INO]); SENDTO(LabSec[INO]); }The messages (samples to be analyzed in a Lab) arrive at random from seven original points and after being assigned a value for BactConc by means of a GAMMA function, they are delivered to one of the seven nodes LabSec (according to their source).
Hangar (I) { SENDTO(City); COPYMESS(5) IF(ICOPY <= 3) SENDTO(Quarry[ICOPY]); ELSE SENDTO(Mine); }The produced message (Truck) is sent to City. Five copies are made. The 0, 1, and 2 are sent respectively to Quarry[0], Quarry[1], and Quarry[2]. The other two (3 and 4) are sent to Mine.
WaitingRoom (G) {}When activated, this node scans the EL and nothing is done. From other nodes it is possible to extract and modify the messages of its EL.
Inspect (G){ IF(Defect){ STOPSCAN; SENDTO(Repair); } ELSE SENDTO(Sale); }If the boolean field Defect of the message (article) is TRUE, the examination of the list stops and the message is sent to Repair. Otherwise, it is sent to Sale. In the first case, the scan is stopped (will continue in the next activation during the same event); in the second case, the scan continues. Note that the STOPSCAN must be used only if it is necessary (see next example) because it increases the processing time by repeating the scanning of the network.
Semaf (G) { STATE{ greenLight = !greenLight; IT = 25; } IF((LL(Street.IL) < 20) && greenLight) SENDTO(Street); STOPSCAN; }Each 25 units of time the boolean variable greenLight changes its true value. The node allows the messages (cars) to pass if greenLight is true and the IL of the node Street has less than 20 messages. When a message passes, the scanning of the EL is stopped to allow the change in the IL of Street. Without the STOPSCAN more than 20 messages would be sent to Street. On the other hand, if the condition is not fulfilled stopping of the scan avoids unnecessary examination of the EL. Eventually, future changes in the IL of Street will produce a network scanning an a new activation of Semaf
Selection (G){ IF((Typ == Special) && theFirst){ SENDTO(Depot); BEGINSCAN; theFirst = FALSE; } ELSE IF(!theFirst) SENDTO(Depot); }Among the messages in the EL of Selection there is one and only one with the field Typ = Special. Only after it passes, all the others may pass. The boolean variable First is originally TRUE.
The capacity of the R node is updated subtracting the value of the USE field of the message to the free capacity (variable <node>.FREE) and adding the value of USE to the used capacity (variable <node>.USE). The scan of the EL continues to look for other candidates to use the resource. If there is not STAY instruction and one message enters the IL, no departing event is generated. The message will remain in the IL until it is extracted by an instruction REL (see 6.18), that refers to the IL of the node. It extracts the first message without assigned exit time; it updates the quantity of free and used resource and it sends the message to the desired node.
Disposal (R) {} -------------- INIT Disposal = MAXREAL;The node Disposal enters any quantity of messages (compatible with memory available) in its IL. They may be extracted by a REL instruction in other node.
content...Crane (R) { STAY = GAMMA(travel_T, dev_T); RELEASE{ transported = TRUE; NOTFREE; SENDTO(Base); } }
If the Crane is free (capacity 1 is assumed), a message (box) takes it; it uses the resource for a time took from a GAMMA distribution. When this time is over, the boolean field transported is put to TRUE and the message is sent to Base without freeing the resource. This must be freed by a REL instruction.
Sea (R) { STAY = FTravelTime(VesselType); } ---------------------------------------- INIT Sea = MAXREAL;
The messages (vessels) enter the resource Sea of infinite capacity and remain there for a time given by a function FTravelTime that depends on VesselType.
Exit (E) {}The messages arriving at E are destroyed.
Departure (E) { HISTOGRAM("Time in the system", 30, TIME - GT, "Ship"); }The time that the messages remained in the system is computed by subtracting from the actual TIME the generation time GT. This value is recorded in a frequency table titled "Time in the system".
<name of the C node > (0);
When this happens the node solves the systems for the actual value of the time and then the control goes back to the calling code. So an updated value of the computed variables can be used by the calling code. The C type node continues solving the system at the originally prescribed intervals.
Print (A) {IT = 365; WRITE("VALUE: %d\n", x); }Each 365 unit times the writes the the value of x. The node must be activated for the first time from other node or from the INIT section.
Results (A) { IT(0.125); GRAPH("Prey predator model",TIME,"t",r,"Rabbits",f,"FOXES"); }Each interval time of 0.125 units (8 times per year) points with the new values of r and f are added to the time graphic and united by a line to the previous point. The node must be activated for the first time from other nodes or from the INIT section.
NewStr (A){ IT = 0.5; If(CondStCh){ ACT(NewSource, 0); CREATE(MessSource) SENDTO(NewSource); DEACT(Inst3); ACT(Proc4, 12); STAT; CLRSTAT; } }Each 0.5 units of time the boolean variable condStCh (that may compute conditions for a structural change) is evaluated. If it is TRUE, the nodes NewSource and, with a delay, Proc4 are activated. The Inst3 is deactivated. A message is sent to the newly activated node. The statistics are displayed and then initialized for a new statistical gathering.
ACT(<node name>, <real expression>);
It is used to schedule a node activation in a future time.
<node name> is the name of the node to be activated.
<real expression> is a real expression whose value indicates the time from now until the future activation.
When this instruction is executed, a future event is put in the FEL. The event node is the indicated by <node name>. The time of the event is TIME+<real expression>. Here TIME is the system variable that contains the value of the actual simulation time. The index and the event parameter of the event are the actual values of the variables INO and IEV respectively.
This procedure can be used in nodes of any type.
ACT(SubwayDepart, 0); // The Subway departs now
ACT(Controller, 7); // Will be activated in 7 time units
FOR(i=1; i<80; i++) ACT(Arrivals[i], EXPO(TMBarr[i]));
The components of the multiple node Arrivals are activated for future times taken from an exponential distribution with mean values depending on the node.
See examples 1 – 21 (GALATEA examples book)
ASSEMBLE( | ELIM | FIRST | NEW |, |<integer value> | ALL|, |<logic expression> | EQUFIELD(<field>) | ) <associated instruction>;
The ASSEMBLE instruction is used to join a set of messages that came to a node, maybe at different times, and to represent the set by only one message, named representant. The representant may be the first assembled or a new message. Represented messages may be deleted or maintained in a list for further disassembling. The associated instruction must contain a SENDTO instruction to dispose of the representant. The instruction is suited to simulate loading and transportation of things, using the representant as the transporter.
ASSEMBLE can be used in a node with an EL that has the ability to send messages (nodes of G, L, D, and general type with EL).
When this instruction is executed, the EL is scanned from the beginning. Each message (comparing message) is compared with those (compared messages) that follow it. The first comparing message is the first one in the EL. The compared message is named OMESS. The comparison consists in the evaluation of the <logic expression> that may include comparing message and OMESS fields, and any other type of variables and constants. If the <logic expression> is TRUE both, the comparing and compared messages, are candidates to be assembled. When all messages are compared, the second message in the EL is taken as the new comparing message, which is compared with those that follow it. The process is repeated so that all the possible comparisons are made. If at any point of the process a number of candidates reach the value expressed by <integer value>, the assemble is successful. Then, the assembled messages are taken out of the list and the <associated instruction> is executed. The whole process is then repeated to see if another successful assemble group of the required size is possible with the remaining messages. If the parameter ALL is used, there is not limit for the assembled set. If the <logical expression> is reduced to the constant TRUE, the messages are unconditionally assembled up to the specified number (or all the messages if ALL is used). If there is not successful assemble at all, nothing is done and the <associated instruction> is not executed. If the function EQUFIELD(<field>) is used instead of the <logical condition>, the messages, which have the same values on that field, are assembled. In all cases, it is assumed that all the messages in the EL have the fields that are used by the assembling conditions. Which message is the representant and the fate of the assembled messages depends on the first parameter:
The <associated instruction>, executed for each successful assemble, may have instructions to change the fields of the representant (assigning values to field variables) and must have a SENDTO instruction to dispose of the representant. Note that this <associated instruction> may change the values of variables in the <logical condition> and in the <integer value> so changing the assemble conditions for the next group or for a new execution of the ASSEMBLE instruction. Assembled messages cannot be changed. If there was some successful assemble the variable SYNC is put to TRUE, otherwise it is put to FALSE. See the instruction SYNCHRONIZE (6.26).
Dispatcher (G) { ASSEMBLE(FIRST,TRUE) SENDTO(Truk); }The Dispatcher assembles the order made up of all the messages that are on the EL list and sends it to the Truck.
UniteParts (G){ ASSEMBLE(ELIM, 3, EQUFIELD(typed)){ status = finished; SENDTO(Paint); } }Groups of three messages with equal values in the field typed are sought for. When a group is found, the first message is marked as finished in its field status and sent to the EL of the node Paint. The other two messages of the group are deleted. The node UniteParts is of the common type.
FormGroups (G){ ASSEMBLE(FIRST, N,(age > 10) AND (O.age > 10)){ leader = TRUE; SENDTO(Tour); } IF(NOT SYNC AND (N > 2)) N = N - 1; }The process attempts to form groups of size N (whose value was defined elsewhere) of messages with the value of the field age
See examples 9, 11, 12, 13 (GALATEA examples book)
COPYMESS(<integer value>) <associated instruction>;
This instruction produces a number of copies of the message that is being processed, equal to the value of <integer value> (that must be greater than zero) and for each copy executes the <associated instruction>. All fields of the original are copied.
The <associated instruction> must have a SENDTO instruction to dispose of the copy. Before it, instructions can be used to change the values of the fields. To do this the names of the O.<fields> must be used.
The original message must be processed through instructions outside the <associated instruction> before or after the COPYMESS. If it is not sent to a node, it will be lost.
The variable ICOPY takes the value of the generated copy. Its value is not recorded in the copied message. If the programmer wants to keep it, a field must be defined in the message for this purpose and the value of ICOPY must be passed to each copy in the <associated instruction>.
COPYMESS can be used only in G, I, D nodes and in the RELEASE instruction of an R node.
COPYMESS(nOffices){ nc = ICOPY + 1; SENDTO(Office[ICOPY]) } SENDTO(Archive)A number of copies equal to the actual value of nOffices are generated and sent to the nodes Office[0], Office[1], etc. The (nc) keeps the number of copy, with an indication of its ICOPY plus one. The original is sent to Archive.
See examples 9, 11 (GALATEA examples book)
EXTR(<message list>, <|message|FIRST|LAST|>)
It is used to extract a message from a list of messages. <list name> indicates the list. The second argument could be a <message>, a variable declared of MESSAGE type, FIRST or LAST. The message (or the first or last) is extracted and identified as OMESS, and the <associate instruction> is executed. The <associate instruction> must have a SENDTO instruction to send the OMESS message to a list.
This instruction can be used in any type of node and in the associated instruction of a RELEASE.
Window (R) { STAY(1); IF(LL(Depot.EL)<quantity) reject=TRUE; ELSE reject=FALSE; RELEASE{ IF(reject) SENDTO(Rejected); ELSE { for(i=0; i<quantity; i++) EXTR(Depot.EL, FIRST) SENDTO(Dispatcher); SENDTO(Dispatcher); } } }
The messages (orders) arrive at the Window queue. At the Window they take a unit of time to be served. An message (order) is Rejected if the quantity requested is greater than what is in the Depot. If the order is not rejected, then the requested quantity is extracted from the depot (one by one), sending each OMESS (item) to the Dispatcher, who also receives the message (order).
FILE(<file name>, <format>, <list of expression>);
It is used to write data in a text file. FILE instruction relieves the user from declare, assign, open, and close the files.
<file name> is a valid name of file. If the file exists, it is overwritten by the new data. If it does not, then it is created and opened at the beginning of the simulation and closed at the end of the simulation.
<format> is a String that includes specifiers (subsequences beginning with %)
to indicates how to write the values of the expressions in the file (See ).
<list of expression> is a list of expressions to file.
If many FILE instructions write in the same file, the order of the data in the file is the order of the executions.
This instruction can be used in any type of node.
NETWORK Aa (A) { FOR(INT i=0; i<3; i++) FILE("arxm.dat", "%8.3f %2c %3d %e %.0f\n", i+azz, ch1, i, b[i], azz); } INIT ACT(Aa, 0); FILE("arxm.dat", "i+azz ch1 i b[i] azz\n"); DECL DOUBLE azz = 99; CHAR ch1 = 'J'; DOUBLE b[3] = {19, 20, 21}; END
The file arxm.dat will contain:
i+azz ch1 i b[i] azz 99.000 J 0 1.900000e+01 99 100.000 J 1 2.000000e+01 99 101.000 J 2 2.100000e+01 99
See examples 5, 7 (GALATEA examples book)
GRAPH(<title>, <list of variable>);
It is used to display graphics during the simulation run. When executed for the first time, it constructs the axis, reference lines, numbers on the axis, displays the names given to the variables and scales and marks the initial values of the variables to be graphed. In the following executions it adds a new point to the curves of the variables being graphed and unites the points to the the already displayed curves.
<title> is a string of characters. It identifies the graphic and will appear as a title of it.
<list of values> is a list of items describing the variables to be depicted. The list consists of the following elements, separated by commas:
GRAPH may be used in any node. By default, the first value is used as independent variable.
TITLE Sinusoidal curve NETWORK Fun (A) { IT = tf; y = SIN(PI * TIME); ACT(Gra, 0); } Gra (A) { GRAPH("Sinusoidal curve", TIME, "x", y, "sin(PI x)"); } INIT TSIM = 20; ACT(Fun, 0); tf = 0.0150625; DECL DOUBLE tf, y; END.A sinusoidal curve is displayed.
TITLE Simple bank teller NETWORK Entrance (I) { IT = EXPO(tba); ACT(Gra, 0); SENDTO(Teller); } Teller (R) { STAY = GAUSS(mst, 2); RELEASE SENDTO(Exit); } Exit (E) { ACT(Gra, 0); } Gra (A) { GRAPH("Teller queue length", TIME, "time", LL(Teller.EL), "Queue"); } INIT TSIM = 480; ACT(Entrance, 0); INTI(tba, 3, "Mean time between arraives"); INTI(mst, 3, "Mean service time"); DECL DOUBLE tba, mst; END.The program is a simulation of a simple bank teller and a graphic of the queue is made. Each time a client enters or leaves the Teller. the Gra node is activated and the length of the queue (EL of Teller) is put into the graph.
IF <logic expression> <associated instruction 1>;
IF <logic expression> <associated instruction 1> ELSE <associated instruction 2>;
Executes the <associated instruction 1> if the <logic expression> is truthy. If the condition is falsy, the <associated instruction 1> is not executed and if the ELSE part exists, the <associated instruction 2> is executed.
If the <associated instruction 1> has more than one instruction, the set of instructions must be enclosed in curly brackets. The same applies for <associated instruction 2>.
IF LL(Teller.EL)>20 NM20=NM20+1;The variable NM20 is incremented by 1 if the length of the entry list of node Teller is greater than 20.
IF(i==j) { j=10; IF(i<k){ j++; } }As two instructions are executed if i==j, both enclosed in curly brackets. The first is j=10; and the second, IF(i<k), is another IF statement, which in turn has its own associated statement. Note that in the second IF the curly brackets are not needed, however it is not an error to use them.
IF((LL(Gb.EL)) > 15) { SENDTO(Exit); } ELSE IF(priority < 4) { SENDTO(Gb,FIRST); } ELSE { SENDTO(Gb); }If the length of the entry list of the Control node is greater than 15 the message is sent to the Exit node. Otherwise, the message is sent to the Control node, placing it first in the entry list if the priority field is less than 4, but if it is not, it is located according to the established discipline of the entry list of Control node.
See examples 1, 2, 4, 7 – 13, 15, 18, 19 (GALATEA examples book)
IT(<real expression>);
This instruction is used to activate the node in which it appears after an interval time given by the current value of <real expression>. When executed, the value of <real expression> is assigned to the variable IT and an event is put in the future event list (FEL) with:
When the node is multiple, the instruction may be executed many times. In each execution an event is entered in the FEL. The successive values of the index are 0, 1, 2, 3, ...etc.
See instruction NT and procedure ACT.
The instruction can be used in any node, except of C type. Examples:
Ent (I) { IT(UNIF(1.00, 1.03)); SENDTO(Lathe[MIN]); } Lathe[4] (R) {Messages (parts) are generated each time the node Ent is activated. This happens at intervals taken at random from a uniform distribution between 1.00 and 1.03. The messages go to the less crowded of the four nodes Lathe.
Signal (I) { IF(TIME < 1999) IT(1999 - TIME) ELSE WRITE('This is the last signal'); SENDTO(NextNode); }If the node is activated before the TIME = 1999, then an activation is scheduled for the time 1999. if not, the message This is the last signal is written.
Gate[3] (G){ STATE{ OPEN = NOT OPEN; IT(interval[INO]); } IF(OPEN) SENDTO(Deposit[INO]);Incoming messages are retained each in its gate while the gate is closed and allowed to passed to Deposit when the gate is open. The gates are alternatively closed and open. The intervals of each state OPEN and NOT OPEN are equal for a gate but are different for the different gates. For the first gate they are interval[0], for the second interval[1], for the third interval[2].
See examples 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18 (GALATEA examples book)
OUTDATA(<file name>, <format>/, data/);
Appends the string format to the file file name. If format includes specifiers (subsequences beginning with %), the additional data following format are formatted and inserted in the resulting string replacing their respective specifiers.
Generalmente se usa para almacenar los resultados de varias simulaciones en uno o varios archivos CSV.
See example 4, 5, 12, 13, 18 (GALATEA examples book)
OUTHEADER(<file name>, <format>/, data/);
If file name exists, do nothing. Otherwise, creates the file and appends the string format to it. If format includes specifiers (subsequences beginning with %), the additional data following format are formatted and inserted in the resulting string replacing their respective specifiers.
Generalmente se usa para almacenar los resultados de varias simulaciones en uno o varios archivos CSV.
See example 4, 5, 12, 13, 18 (GALATEA examples book)
PARAM(<variable>, <default value>, <description>);
PARAM(<gFunction>, <list of points>, <description>);
This instruction allows you to define and set the values of the parameters at the beginning of simulation.
<variable> is the name of a simple variable.
<default value> is the default value given to the variable. The <variable> and <default value> data types must be compatible.
<description> is a string that contains a description of the variable, It is used in the model help message and in the graphic user interface of the model.
<gFunction> is the name of a GFUNCTION (See ).
<list of points> is a list of pairs of values (points). The first element of the pair is the value of the argument (it belongs to the function domain). The second is the corresponding value of the function.
INIT PARAM(Alfa, 1.058, "Scattering angle"); PARAM(FTB,(0.0,-0.2)(0.3,-0.1)(0.5,0.0)(0.8,0.1)(1.0,0.2), "FTB Pts");
See examples 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21 (GALATEA examples book).
PREEMPTION(<logical expression>) <associated instruction>
This instruction is used to extract messages that are occupying a resource represented by a R type node. It may be used only in a R type node, but not in the RELEASE instruction. It is executed when some message is in the EL and it is examined. When executed, the IL is checked. If there are enogth free space in it, the examined message enters the IL and nothing more is done. Otherwise, the amount of resource that would be freed by IL messages that match the <logical expression> is calculated. If the amount of space required by the examined message is greater than the amount of space that would be freed, it remains in the EL and nothing further is done. If it is sufficient, the messages occupying the resource and satisfying the <logical expression> are extracted from the IL one by one until the free space( FREE) of the resource is at least equal to the (USE) field of the examined message. Then the examined message occupies the resource (it moves from the EL to the IL). When this preemption process occurs, the <associated instruction> is executed on each message that were extracted from the IL. The preempted message must be sent to another list using a SENDTO instruction that must be in the <associated instruction>.
The <logical expression> may have global variables, local variables, field variables of the examined messages and O_<fields> of the occupant message.
NETWORK Patient (I){ IT(EXPO(5.5)); remainingTime = MAXREAL; disease = fDisease(); status = fStatus(); SENDTO(Hospital); } Hospital (G) { IF (status == Critical) SENDTO(Diagnostic, FIRST); ELSE SENDTO(Diagnostic); } Diagnostic (R) { PREEMPTION((status == Critical) AND (O.status != Critical)){ remainingTime = (XT-TIME) * 1.2; SENDTO(Diagnostic, FIRST); } STAY(GAMMA(mDiag, dDiag), remainingTime); RELEASE SENDTO(Treatment[disease]); } Treatment[5] (E){ WRITE("TIME: %.2f\tAfter %.2f min %s %d receives %s treatment\n", TIME,TIME-GT,NAME,NUMBER,disease); } INIT TSIM = 1440; ACT(Patient,0); REAL mDiag = 2; REAL dDiag = 2; DECL STATISTICS ALLNODES; TYPE TSt {Non_Serious, Medium, Serious, Critical}; TYPE TDis {Hurt, Infectious, Shock, Heart, Internal}; MESSAGES Patient(TDis disease, TSt status, real remainingTime); GFUNCTIONS FREQ fDisease(TDis) = (Hurt,15)(Infectious,20)(Shock,25)(Heart,30)(Internal,20), FREQ fstatus(TSt) = (Non_Serious,30)(Medium,40)(Serious,30)(Critical,20); ENDMessages (patients) that arrive at Hospital have a disease type and a status of seriousness. The Critical are put at the beginning of the queue for Diagnostic. In Diagnostic a Critical can remove a non Critical from attention. The removed is sent at the beginning of the queue. Its future time of attention is the remaining time (XT-TIME) increased 20%. After the Diagnostic the messages are sent to one node of the multiple node Treatment according to their disease. Note that it is unrealistic that the variables status and disease were uncorrelated. See RAND function (8.25) for a solution.
See example 8 (GALATEA examples book).
RELEASE / ALL / <associated instruction>;
This instruction is used to manage the messages that abandon the IL of a R type node, when the scheduled time is over. It is used when the default disposition of the message is not desired. The user may program a different procedure in the <associated instruction>. This may includes changes in the fields, conditional sending to different nodes, and a NOTFREE instruction to inhibit the freeing of the used resource.
It is executed only if the node is activated by an event. The execution is not repeated during the scanning of the network.
When the instruction is executed, a scanning of the IL starts, looking for a message with the exit time of the IL (that is recorded in the field XT). If such a message is not found, an error condition occurs. If it is found, its fields are passed to the corresponding field variables and the <associated instruction> is executed. This instruction must execute a SENDTO instruction to dispose of the message.
In the process (unless NOTFREE is used) a quantity of resource is freed that is equal to the value of the USE parameter of the message. So, the variable <node>.FREE is increased by USE and <node>.USE is decreased by USE. If the capacity of the resource is the constant MAXREAL, the resource is considered of infinite capacity and no change in those variables is made.
If the ALL parameter is used, the search for other messages with the same XT continues until all of them are processed.
This instruction can be used in R type nodes.
Physician (R){ STAY(TRIA(4, 6, 9)); RELEASE{ Revised = TRUE; SENDTO(Treatment[Disease]); }Messages (patients) that leave the node Physician after completing its scheduled time of attention (given at the entrance by the instruction STAY) are tagged putting TRUE its field Revised. Then they are sent to one node of the multiple node Treatment according the value of their field Disease.
See examples 1-11 and 13 (GALATEA examples book).
SENDTO(<destination list>, < | <pointer>, | A | B |> | FIRST | LAST |> );
This instruction is used to send messages to one or more lists of messages.
<destination list> is a list of names of nodes or lists. They may be of the form <node>, <node>.EL or <node>.IL.
Message in process is sent to all these destinations, if the list has more than one element, copies are sent at each destination.
If destination is a node, it is assumed that the message must be sent to the EL of the node.
The place in the destination list in which the message is put, depends on the second parameter:
If this instruction is within an <associated instruction> of a GALATEA instruction, then the OMESS message is send, except for the CREATE in which MESS is send.
In the case the SENDTO is in an <associated instruction>, the sent message is:
SENDTO can be used in type G, I, D, E, R, A, and general type nodes, and in the <associated instruction> of the GALATEA instructions indicated above, such as in the RELEASE instruction.
If the destination is a multiple node, the user have three alternatives to send a message to its ELs:
Mail (D) :: SENDTO(Director, Secretary, File);Copies of the message received at Mail are sent to the nodes Director, Secretary, and File.
Discrim (G){ IF(Class == Friend) SENDTO(FIRST, Queue); ELSE SENDTO(LAST, Queue); }
Parkman (G) {SENDTO(Parkinglot[MIN]);} Parkinglot (R) { STAY = GAMMA(Tpark, DevTpark); RELEASE SENDTO(Exit); }
Ii (I) { IT(1); Pr = UNIFI(1, 4); SENDTO(OrdQueue); } OrdQueue (G){ IF(LineGate == Closed) { SCAN(Line.EL, poin){ IF(Pr > STOPSCAN; IF(Poin != NIL) SENDTO(Line, BEFORE, Poin); ELSE SENDTO(Line, LAST); } ELSE SENDTO(Line); } Line (G){ STATE{ IF{LineGate == Closed} LineGate = open; ELSE LineGate = Closed; IT(8); } IF(LineGate == Open) SENDTO(Process); INIT TSIM = 100; ACT(Ii, 0); LineGate = Open; ACT(Line, 8); DECL TYPE Opcl = (closed, open); VAR LineGate: Opcl; Poin: POINTER; MESSAGES Ii(INT Pr); END.Messages, with priorities from 1 to 4 in the field pr, arrive at OrdQueue and they are passed to Line if the variable lineGate has the value open. In this case, they continue to Process. lineGate is open and closed each 8 time units. If lineGate is closed, then when a message reaches OrdQueue, a scan process of the EL of Line starts. If a message in the EL is found with priority less than the incoming message, then this is put before of that in the EL. So, the EL is always ordered in decreasing order of priority pr. In this system the entities that arrive when the gate is open are allowed to pass, when they have to wait, they are sorted according to their priority. This type of sorting may be more easily done using a type L node.
See examples 1 – 13, 18 (GALATEA examples book).
STAY(<real expression>/, <real field>/ );
It is used to assign value to the time that a processed message will remains in the IL of a R type node.
It is only used in a R type node.
When executed a message enters the IL, an event is scheduled in the future to extract this message. More exactly, an event element is introduced in the FEL that refers to the R type node, to be executed at a time TIME + <real expression>.
If there is a second argument <real field>, the message is first checked to see if it has that field, and if so, the lower of the two values is used to set the dwell time of the message in the R type node. If the message does not have that field, the event is scheduled as if there were no second argument. The STAY statement with two arguments is usually used in combination with the PREEMPTION statement.
See PREEMPTION instruction (6.17).
Resource(R){ PREEMPTION(O.priority < priority){ remainingTime = XT - TIME; SENDTO(Resource, FIRST); } STAY(10, remainingTime); RELEASE SENDTO(Exit); }The PREEMPTION instruction indicates that in the Resource node messages with higher priority (priority field of the message) take precedence over those with lower priority (priority field of the O. message). The message field remainingTime stores the time remaining for low priority messages that are removed from the resource and sent to the front of its entry queue (EL). The STAY instruction assigns the minimum value of its two arguments as the time that the message will remain in the IL of the Resource. If the message does not have the remainingTime field, it assigns 10 time units. Finally, when the message leaves the resource it is sent to the Exit node.
See example 8 (with PREEMPTION and STAY with 2 arguments) (GLIDER examples book).
TSIM(<real expression>);
It is used to set the simulation duration. The GALATEA system variable TSIM is set to the value of <real variable> and the end of the simulation is scheduled for a future time equal to TSIM. The end of the simulation can also be done using the ENDSIMUL instruction. If many ENDSIMUL instructions are present, the first one executed will end the simulation. If many TSIM instructions are executed, the last executed defines the simulation time.
This instruction can be used in nodes of any type and in the INIT section.
WRITE(format, arguments);
Writes the string format to the console. If format includes specifiers (subsequences beginning with %), the additional arguments following format are formatted and inserted in the resulting string replacing their respective specifiers.
Format Specifiers
Let’s look at the available format specifiers available for WRITE:
Escape Characters:
Following are the escape characters available in WRITE
Format Specifiers Full Syntax
Let’s look at the full syntax of format specifiers with the extended set:
Test (A) { WRITE("Preceding with blanks: %10d \n", 1977); WRITE("Preceding with zeros: %010d \n", 1977); WRITE("Some different radices: %d %x %o %#x %#o \n", 100, 100, 100, 100, 100); WRITE("floats: %4.2f %+.0e %E \n", 3.1416, 3.1416, 3.1416); WRITE("%s \n", "A string"); }
It is used to reset to zero the variables in which the statistics are accumulated. Thus the statistics are counted since the last time in which a procedure of this type is executed. That time is recorded in the standard statistics.
This procedure can be used in nodes of any type.
PassTrans (A){ IF(ABS(qma - MEDL(Tell.EL)) / (0.5*(qma + MEDL(Tell.EL))) < 0.03){ stable = TRUE; CLRSTAT; } ELSE { qma = MEDL(Tell.EL); CLRSTAT; IT = 1000; } }
The queue Tell.EL is examined. The previous mean length qma is compared with the mean length in the last 1000 time units. This is given by the GALATEA function MEDL. If the difference, compared with the mean of the two values, is less than 3%, the queue is considered stable, a new count of statistics begin. Otherwise, the last value of the mean is saved in qma, and a new statistical count is initialized for the next 1000 time units. Statistics at the end of the run are counted since the beginning of the stable situation. This procedure tries to avoid the influence on statistics of the transient produced when starting with a void queue.
METHOD(| <RKF> | <EULER> | <RK4> |);
METHOD(<node name>, | <RKF> | <EULER> | <RK4> |);
It is used to set the integration method of the differential equations in type C nodes. If RKF is used, the method will be a Runge Kutta method of fourth order with a fifth order calculation to estimate the error (Runge Kutta Fehlberg). The integration path is changed according to the error. If RK4 is used, the method will be a Runge Kutta of fourth order. If EULER is used, the method will be the simple Euler method of the first order. RKF is the more exact and slower. EULER is the less exact and faster.
EABS and EREL are used with RKF method of integration to change the integration step when the error in one step exceeds, respectively in absolute or relative value, the values of these variables. Default options are EABS = 0.00001 EREL = 0.0001.
<node name> must be the name of a type C node. If node name> is not specified, this instrucción may be used only in C type nodes.
Growth (C) { METHOD(RK4); size' = kGrowth * (1 - size / maxSize) * size; quantity' = maxQuant - kIncr * quantity; biomass = spGr * size * quantity; } HeatEffect (C) { METHOD(EULER); kGrowth' = kGrowthMax - ctg(temp) * kGrowth; kIncr' = kIncrMax - cti(temp) * kIncr; }The Growth node uses the RK4 method and the HeatEffect node uses the EULER method. This may be so because it is supposed that kGrowth and kIncr growth very slowly with temp so that a less exact but more fast integration method may be used.
It is used to stop the execution of a simulation run. The user can restarts the simulation by pressing the continue button.
This procedure can be used in nodes of any type.
HISTOGRAM(<title>, <nBins>, <expression>, <description>);
It is used to count a value for a frequency table; <title>. The actual value of the expression is classified to define to which of the <nBins> frequency class of the table it belongs and one is added to the count of this class. The frequency classes and a histogram are shown during the simulation.
This procedure can be used in nodes of any type.
QueueStat (A){ TAB("Length of the queue", 10, LL(Couter.EL);, "People"); }
Messages (people) queue at the node Counter (not shown). The node QueueStat is actived when the queue changes. The length of the queue LL(Couter.EL) is registered at the frequency table "Length of the queue". This table has 10 classes (intervals).
It is used to put the trace mode that displays a detailed account of the events process, messages movements, FEL evolution, etc., useful for debugging.
This procedure can be used in nodes of any type and in INIT section.
IF{Shop.EL > 10} TRACE; ELSE IF(Shop <= 5) UNTRACE;If the queue in Shop is greater than 10 the trace starts, when the queue decreases and becomes 5 or less the trace is stopped.
It is used to stop the trace mode that displays a detailed account of the events process, messages movements, FEL evolution, etc., useful for debugging.
This procedure can be used in nodes of any type.
It must not be executed if the system is displaying a graphic.
IF(TIME > 2000) UNTRACE;Tracing mode is suppressed after the time 2000.
LL(<list name>);
Returns the value (INT) of the length of the list (EL or IL) indicated in <list name>. Example:
IF(LL(Clerk1) <= 2 * LL(Clerk2)) SENDTO(Clerk1); ELSE SENDTO(Clerk2);
MAXL(<list name>);
Returns the value (INT) of the maximum value attained for the list (EL or IL) indicated in <list name>.
WRITE("The maximum in the queue was %d\n', MAXL(Dec.EL));
MINL(<list name>);
Returns the value (INT) of the minimum value attained for the list (EL or IL) indicated in <list name>. Example:
MaxiFreeSpa[i] = ParkSpa[i] - MIN(Parking[i].IL);
MEDL(<list name>);
Returns the value (DOUBLE) of the mean of the length as a function of time for the list (EL or IL) indicated in <list name>. Example:
IF(MEDL(Mac[1].EL) > 1.5 * MEDL(Mac[2].EL)) CAP(Mac[1], 2 * Mac[1].CAP);
DMEDL(<list name>);
Returns the value (DOUBLE) of the standard deviation of the mean of the length as a function of time for the list (EL or IL) indicated in <list name>. Example:
WRITE("Coefficient of variation for queue %5.2f\n", DMEDL(Office.EL) / MEDL(Office.EL));
MSTL(<list name>);
Returns the value (DOUBLE) of the mean of the waiting time of the messages that left the list (EL or IL) indicated in <list name>. Example:
IF(MSTL(EL_Park[1]) < MSTL(Park_[2])) SENDTO(Park[1]); ELSE SENDTO(Park[2]);
DMSTL(<list name>);
Returns the value (DOUBLE) of the standard deviation of the mean of the waiting time of the messages that left the list (EL or IL) indicated in <list name>. Example:
IF(DMSTL(Door_A.EL) > DMSTL(Door_B.EL) door_name = "A" ELSE door_name = "B"; WRITE("Queue in door %s had greater fluctuation", door_name);
TFREE(<list name>);
Returns the value (DOUBLE) of total time in which the list (EL or IL) indicated in <list name> was void. Example:
Access (I) { IT = UNIF(5, 7); prob_A = (1+TFREE(A.EL))/((1+TFREE(A.EL))*(1+TFREE(B.EL))); IF(BER(prob_A)) SENDTO(A); ELSE SENDTO(B); }
ENTR(<list name>);
Returns the value (INT) of the number of entries in the list (EL or IL) indicated in <list name>. Example:
IF(ENTR(Theater.EL) > 120) BLOCK(Th_Arrival);
Returns (DOUBLE) the total quantity of resource of the R <node>.
Returns (DOUBLE) the integration step that will be used in the indicated C type node. The RKF method may change it during the integration process.
Returns (DOUBLE) the actual quantity of free resource of the R node. Example:
Control(G) { IF((FREE(Pier[ShiTyp]) > 0) AND (FREE(Channel) > 0)) SENDTO(Channel); }If there is some free capacity in Pier[ShiTyp] and in Channel the message (ship) is sent to Channel. Both nodes, Pier and Channel must be type R. Pier is a multiple node and Channel is a single node.
Returns (DOUBLE) the actual quantity of used resource of the R node. Example:
cost = cost + 2 * USAGE(Machine);To the cost is added two times the USAGE of the Machine.
BER(<real expression>, / <stream> /);
Returns the BOOLEAN value TRUE with a probability equal to the value of <real expression> and FALSE with a probability of (1 - <real expression>). The probabilities are computed with random numbers taken from the stream indicated by <stream>. This is an integer from 0 to 9. If omitted, 0 is assumed. Example:
IF(BER(0.6)) SENDTO(LargeDep); ELSE SENDTO(SmallDep);At random 60% of the times the messages are sent to LargeDep. 40% to SmallDep.
EXPO(<real expression> / <,stream> /);
Returns a DOUBLE value of a random variable whose probability function is an exponential function with mean equal to <real expression>, computed with random numbers taken from the stream indicated by <stream>. This is an integer from 0 to 9. If omitted, 9 is assumed.
See examples 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 13 (GALATEA examples book)
GAUSS(<real expression>, <real expression> / <,stream> /);
Returns a DOUBLE value of a random variable whose probability function is a normal function in which only the positive values are considered. The mean is equal to the first <real expression> and the standard deviation equal to the second <real expression>, computed with random numbers taken from the stream indicated by <stream>. This is an integer from 0 to 9. If omitted, 0 is assumed.
NORM(<real expression>, <real expression> / <,stream> /);
Returns a DOUBLE value of a random variable whose probability function is a normal function with mean equal to the first <real expression> and deviation equal to the second <real expression>, computed with random numbers taken from the stream indicated by <stream>. This is an integer from 0 to 9. If omitted, 0 is assumed. The algorithm may produce negative values.
POISSON(<real expression> / <,stream> /);
Returns an INT value of a random variable whose probability function is a Poisson function with mean equal to <real expression>, computed with random numbers taken from the stream indicated by <stream>. This is an integer from 0 to 9. If omitted, 0 is assumed.
TRIA(<real expression>, <real expression>, <real expression> / <,stream> /);
Returns a DOUBLE value of a random variable whose probability function is a triangular function with minimum equal to the first <real expression>, mode equal to the second <real expression>, and maximum equal to the third <real expression>, computed with random numbers taken from the stream indicated by <stream>. This is an integer from 0 to 9. If omitted, 0 is assumed.
UNIF(<real expression>, <real expression> / <,stream> /);
Returns a DOUBLE value of a random variable whose probability function is a continuous uniform function with minimum equal to the first <real expression> and maximum equal to the second <real expression>, computed with random numbers taken from the stream indicated by <stream>. This is an integer from 0 to 9. If omitted, 0 is assumed.
UNIFI(<int expression>, <int expression> / <,stream> /);
Returns an INT value of a random variable whose probability function is a discrete uniform function with minimum equal to the first <int expression> and maximum equal to the second <int expression>, computed with random numbers taken from the stream indicated by <stream>. This is an integer from 0 to 9. If omitted 0, is assumed.
WEIBULL(<real expression>, <real expression> / <,stream> /);
Returns a value of a random variable whose probability function is a Weibull function with first parameter equal to the first <real expression> and second parameter equal to the second <real expression>, computed with random numbers taken from the stream indicated by <stream>. This is an integer from 0 to 9. If omitted, 0 is assumed.
The GALATEA language defines a set of identifiers as reserved words. They cannot be used as identifier by the user.
The nodes of a GALATEA model have the following attributes:
In the following <node name> includes the index between [], if the node is multiple.
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